Morgalad 4D6 Fantasy

What Is Morgalad 4D6 TTRPG?

Morgalad is a 4D6 based fantasy RPG set in the Late Iron Age. The TTRPG (tabletop role playing game) functions on a simple success/fail system configured with a dice pool mechanic by rolling 4d6. Players use a dice pool that can be upgraded and customized by using character points obtained by leveling up. The purpose of this game is to offer an old school style “crunchy system” and still maintaining heavy emphasis on role playing.

Most of all there will be no multiple editions. Players shape the game world and system according to their preferences. Yearly expansions offer new levels, creatures, and optional rules.

The Morgalad Starter Book is your first tome, crafted to help guide you on the first steps of your journey into the unique and limitless world known as Terramydia. It is built as the SRD for the 4D6 System Open License (SOL).

What does it cost?

The Morgalad Fantasy RPG Starterbook is FREE! You can download a copy of the Starterbook along with the 4D6 System Open License for free on our downloads page.

A quest begins at the small harbor town known as Losloth Port. Enter the realm as a brave warrior, a mystical magi, a wise priest, or a cunning rogue. Here you’ll find one book to encompass everything; Pregenerated Characters, a starter adventure, dungeons to explore, and terrifying evil creatures led by wicked dragons all within one cover. Everything you need to journey the limitless halls of adventure lies within. The only limitation is your own imagination.

Where Can I Learn More?

The first place to go to learn more about the game and the people playing it is our Discord Server. Organize with other players play the game master the system and find new and cunning ways to model in your own unique way.

How Can I Contribute?

The place to start is on our Discord Server, in the Morgalad channel. You can post your work-in-progress there, for all to see and use. If it’s a work we feel is worthy of Showcasing, we’ll work with you to get it polished and properly published.

If your talents lie in the area of art, visit our Reddit Page. Art posts and new releases are shared there.

Prefer to help us proofread, or have other talents I haven’t listed here? Check out our Submissions Page for guidelines and explanations of what we are currently looking for!